The Irish bars of Browns Mills, NJ
Basically, there are three - what used to be O'Brian's (aka Obie's), now Skip's but also know as Franks and whatever, it will always be known as Obie's to the locals.
Then there's JC's, Jack & Connie's, also still known as "JC's" to the natives, and Belly Buster's to those who have only been around the last few years.
The Pub at Country Lakes also qualifies, because it is owned by Chris, who was born in Ireland, where his father owned an historic Irish pub - the ASGARD, named after an historic ship that delievered German arms to the Irish rebels just before the Easter Uprising. A true Irish patriot, married to a Browns Mills girl! Now that was hard to believe.
A fabulous story, yet to be told, and Chris promised to get back to me on it with documentation and published accounts of the whole thing.
More to come on that....