Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Farmer George Hits 50 and a Scratch Off

Farmer George Hits 50 and a Scratch Off for $10,000.

Farmer George is one of the most popular regulars at Belly Buster's Bar, also known as J.C.'s, as in Jack & Connie Gillespie when Jack owned it and George's wife, Joanne was Jack's daughter.

Jack sold the bar to Frank, who passed it on to Raham, a University of Tennesee grad from India, who has maintained the local pub like Jack Gillespie used to run it, with a heavy emphesis on keeping the regulars happy.

Farmer George is one of the most popular regulars, mainly because every summer he provides everybody with as many vegtables as they want from his extensive garden.

So it was natural for the regulars to recipicate and throw a 50th birthday party for George, with many of the regulars at the bar bringing in dishes for a special party.

Bill, another local contractor, bought a $5 Double Blackjack scratch off from the New Jersey State lottery, sold on the premesis, and gave it to George, "Happy birthday!"

George sat down and scratched off the double set of cards, with the dealer's hand and the two sets of five player's hands, with the value amount of each hand under it, and one of them registered a $10,000 hit.

George didn't believe it, and gave it to Raham, the owner, to check it out, and Raham plugged in the numbers in the lottery machine and looked at the digital read out and it read a hit for $10,000.00 and gave George the thumb's up.

The laid off, out of work farmer won ten grand on a $5 50th birthday gift. What are the odds?

And now, in these dire economic times, what will he spend it on?

A trip to the islands?

An ocean cruse?

Pay off debts?

Na, George is gong to buy a tractor with the money. A 1944 John Deer tractor, just like the one he first used as a teenager, the one he saw advertised as an antique in the papers and checked out, but couldn't afford to buy, until now.

With this tractor, George promised, he can increase the output of his crops and give even more vegitibles away every summer, so it will come back in kind to everybody.

God works in mysterious ways, but this is one that everyone agrees was in the stars, and it couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

God bless Farmer George, and may he work magic with his new, old tractor.


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